– MRA victims are killed by unknown groups. The incident also prompted a report to Metro Jakarta Salatan Police.

In the story, Kabid Humas Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Pol Ade Ary Syam Indradi said the victim was killed by a speeding car on Jalan Pattimura, Selong, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan.

According to Ade Ary, “Korban menegur dikarenakan hal Itu berbahaya,”

Ade Ary said it ended motorbike theft. Thus, the perpetrators continued their journey.

He explained, korban was tabrak till one gunman killed them. Other players hampiri and mukuli MRA. It was found by a pedestrian under an underpass.

“Ditabrak dari kanan belakang dan para pelaku memukuli korban,” Ade Ary.

Ade Ary said it happened again when the victim tried to resolve his motorbike accident.

“Setelah melewati underpass membicarakan lagi dengan para pelaku perihal perggantian motornya yang rusak, tetapi justru korban dipukuli, dicekik, dibanting oleh para pelaku,” dia.

In this case, the victim bolted and called Metro Jakarta Selatan police.

“Saat ini rekan-rekan dari Polres Metro Jaksel sedang melakukan penyelidikan, mendalami laporan dari korban,” Ade Ary.

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